My Haunting Path to Spirituality

Ghost Stories, Paranormal, Signs, Premonitions, and Near-Death Experience

Growing up I thought I was haunted, cursed, weird, or just plain crazy. My whole life I couldn’t understand why I had so many experiences with things like ghosts, lucid dreams, premonitions, and other paranormal activities when others around me didn’t. I wasn’t a psychic, a medium, or anything cool like that. I was just a 40-year-old working mother of three kids who had a normal life. That was, until I died. Once I had my near-death experience I started looking into spirituality, and with the help of some amazing people, I learned those experiences were leading me to the second half of my life. As I started my journey in search of answers and to learn more I realized there was little to no help in validating what I’ve been through. Surely others have had ghosts, weird dreams, premonitions, or have had a near-death experience. I know I can't be alone because even my kids have experienced some of these things. It was there that I realized maybe that is part of my path. To lend validation, spark awareness, or even just entertain others with this unknown. That by sharing my experiences, maybe I could be the one to help normalize the stuff others won't speak about. To help others realize that their experiences are also leading them down a higher path.

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