Eight of Pentacles

Strong workmanship.

Keywords: Hard work, productive, skill development, apprentice, craftsmanship

Yes/No: Yes

Upright: It’s all about hard work right now. You are focused on what you need to do, and you are gung-ho on completing it. This card has lots of Freemasonry references. For instance, the apron means you find honor in your workmanship and feel you are living out your life’s purpose. The hammer represents your willpower, and the chisel represents your ability to discern what’s important and what’s not. These all together show you have a strong work ethic and are able to get the job done. The emptiness and grey sky in this card shows the importance of focusing on what you are doing and not drawing your attention away. You have a clear, short path leading to your home, showing your hard work is close to paying off.

Reversed: The inability to focus on what needs to be done. Instead, you are wasting your time on unimportant things. You are getting lazy with your work, and it is showing. It’s like you have lost your drive and now you are just cutting corners to try to hurry up and be done with the job.