Nine of Pentacles

Independent woman.

Keywords: Security, abundance, self-sufficient, independence, wealth

Yes/No: Yes

Upright: Your hard work has finally paid off. Now you can sit back and enjoy it. You have finally achieved that abundance you have been working towards, and the snail on the bottom shows that it has been a long time coming. It hasn’t always been easy, but now you look around and all you see are the fruits of your labor. The female sex sign on her robe means this is a strong feminine energy so this is a woman who has worked her way to the top all on her own. You have accomplished so much, so don’t be afraid to pamper yourself for a job well done.

Reversed: You have worked so hard and accomplished so much. You have more money than you know what to do with, yet you still work your life away. And for what? You have saved all of your money and don’t even use any on yourself or on things that would make you happy. You are all alone because you’ve spent your whole life working away and never had any time for others. No time for friends, or love, or building a family. So now all you have is your piles of money and nothing else to show for a life of hard work.