Ten of Pentacles
Keywords: Wealth, legacy, family, long-term success, generational wealth
Yes/No: Yes
Upright: This is one of the cards that symbolize wealth the most in the whole deck. This is enough abundance to last for generations to come. Not only has this man achieved a kind of rich that most couldn’t even imagine, but he has also earned respect and a legendary status from all of the greatness he has put back into the world. The scales indicate that he has earned this money through fairness and has always done the right thing. The pentacles are laid out in the shape of a kabbalistic tree of life, referencing the divine stages one must go through to reach enlightenment. He has gone through those stages and now gets to sit back and enjoy this life that he made for himself and his family.
Reversed: You are in a tight spot with money, not because you haven’t earned it, but because you weren’t smart with it. You blew all your riches on dumb stuff and now when it’s all gone, you have nothing to show for it. You are now just a washed-up version of who you were one day. In fact, you now have no money to your name and you’re having to ask your family to borrow money to pay off some of the debts you have accumulated from your short, but lavish lifestyle you once had.