Ten of Wands

Heavy load.

Keywords: Hard work, extra load, heaviness, responsibility, burden, struggle

Yes/No: No

Upright: Even though the tens are completion cards in tarot, this man is still going at it hard. He still is taking on that heavy load, with his head down and his view blocked by all the burden. Maybe you are in a similar situation where you have been struggling so you have had to work overtime or get a second job to try to earn extra money. Maybe you are going back to school and trying to further your education to give you an even bigger advantage in the future. Maybe it’s even a mental burden where you seem to be taking on someone else’s struggles and you are stressing over their situation. Either way, you are taking on quite a bit of stress right now.

Reversed: You have taken on more than you should have, and you are going to end up working yourself to death. The physical and mental toll that you are putting on yourself is just not worth it. It is definitely time to delegate some of that load. You need to trust others to be able to handle their own load, and if they can’t, that’s on them, not you. All you can do is do your own best and let others worry about themselves. I know, you are that person who always gives 110% so it’s hard to just turn a blind eye when things aren’t being done right, but if you add any more stress to your life, you may be the one who pays the price.