Four of Pentacles


Keywords: Greed, possessive, financial security, saving money, hoarding

Yes/No: No

Upright: This card is all about holding onto your money. Whether you are rich and you don’t spend a lot and are a tightwad, or you are poor and are just trying to live paycheck to paycheck and trying to pay your bills, you really need to look at protecting what you have. Definitely consider putting money into savings, and maybe even talk to a financial advisor to make sure you are putting your money in the right places. I would try to refrain from any big purchases right now, especially if they are not absolutely needed.

Reversed: The cool thing about this card is it speaks to people of all financial tiers. If you are wealthy this card is telling you that all you care about is material things. You have allowed your greed to ruin relationships and control your life. You always have to have name-brand items, no matter what the price tag. If you are on the other end and you are not financially stable this card is telling you that you are not spending your money wisely, which is part of the reason you are struggling so much. Instead of building up a nest egg so you can live a little more comfortably, you burn the money on things that you don’t really need. You really need to tighten down on that so you can have some financial security.