Queen of Wands

Fierce queen.

Keywords: Courageous, confident, friendly, passionate, independent, power

Yes/No: Yes

Upright: This is one fierce queen. She is strong and courageous like a lioness which is why her throne has lions on it. Even though she is a tough, independent woman, she is still approachable and friendly. She wears yellow and holds a sunflower to show that she has a sunny and optimistic demeanor. Even though she got where she is by standing on her own two feet, she knows that she had a lot of luck along the way. This can be shown by the black cat. Yes, black cats actually symbolize good luck in most cultures. The two dancing lions represent a Chinese dance known to bring in good luck and to banish the Devil that is performed on New Years.

Reversed: You are lacking in the confidence department. You find yourself all too often being a people pleaser and backing down when confronted. This queen is reminding you that you can still be liked while standing tall and not letting others walk all over you.