Two of Wands
Keywords: Vision, plans, decisions, success, possibilities
Yes/No: Undecided
Upright: This man literally holds the world in his fingertips, meaning he has endless possibilities available to him. He looks out feeling like there is more for him out there, and his orange tunic, red hat, and robe indicate that he has passion, energy, and a hunger to go out and find his true place in this world. He isn’t quite ready to go out on a journey yet. You can tell by the way his wand is fixed to his castle that he isn’t quite ready to leave the comforts of home. This is probably because he is still in the planning phase of his next chapter.
Reverse: You have some new options that are being presented to you that are certainly sparking your interest, but you are not sure that you want to take them because that means leaving your comfort zone. You are okay with the way things are, and even though these could be better, is it really worth doing something new and scary? I mean, you have always felt like you have everything you want, so if isn’t broke, why fix it?