Keywords: Balance, harmony, moderation, patience, middle ground, guardian angel
Yes/No: Yes
Upright: This card is the whole meaning of giving it to God. It is telling you to have patience and know that everything will work itself out. Temperance was once thought to be one of the four cardinal virtues, the others are prudence, justice, and fortitude. The angel is believed to be archangel Michael with his red wings and also the light surrounding him, as he is known as the angel of light. The triangle on the white robe is to represent the holy trinity (mind, body, and spirit), and the white is to represent purity. The angel having one foot on land and one foot in water symbolizes being in touch with both the conscious and subconscious mind and I believe that the cups flowing back and forth do as well.
Reversed: Your life is so out of balance that some days you wonder how you will make it through. You are overdoing things. This could be something simpler like working too much or not eating right but could also be something along the lines of addiction. It is important to remember the saying, “Everything in moderation”.