The Star

Cup half full.

Keywords: Hope, inspiration, optimism, balance, healing, peace

Yes/No: Yes

Upright: This is a card of hope and optimism. A reminder that life is not about what happens to you, but what happens for you. If you choose to look at things as opportunities to grow and learn, then your cup will never run dry. You will always be happier and more at peace with yourself. In this card, the land represents the conscious and the water represents the subconscious. This woman has a foot in each as she fills both, meaning that she is always aware that she can use her faith in a higher power to help her get by in the real world. The large star in this card is to represent the Star of Bethlehem and to lead you to God. The seven smaller stars are meant to represent the 7 chakras. The bird in this card is an Ibis, which is the sacred bird of Egypt and is believed to be a messenger of God. Lots of reminders here that if you let God fill your cup and live a life worthy of his love, you will have all the blessings He has to offer.

Reversed: Things haven’t been going your way, but instead of having faith in the path, you have lost all faith and feel like throwing in the towel. You have had some things that have caused you to question your faith, which is understandable, after all, you are human. But try to remember that everything happens in God’s timing and will happen at a time that you are ready for it. So, regroup and try to trust in him and that things will work out as they are supposed to, even if you can’t understand what that is yet.