Five of Wands

Power struggle.

Keywords: Conflict, struggle, competition, disagreement, diversity, fight

Yes/No: No

Upright: This looks like a big ole brawl, but if you look closely, you will see that no one is actually hitting anyone, so this means it’s more along the lines of a disagreement or a challenge. Everyone is wearing different colored clothing, which could symbolize that this is a matter of different beliefs or different backgrounds. Maybe you feel like your voice isn’t being heard and you are having a hard time getting your point across. It is especially hard when everyone else is also trying to voice their opinions at the same time. This is one of those times when you are being called to do the right thing and to be a leader. To help give everyone a chance to state their feelings and see if you can come to a compromise.

Reverse: Someone is not fighting fair. They are talking smack about you behind your back and think that since you are typically a people pleaser that you won’t stand up for yourself. But this card is telling you that enough is enough. You don’t have to do it dirty like they are, but you shouldn’t just stand by and watch someone put you down like that. There is nothing wrong with defending yourself.