Keywords: Strength, self-control, willpower, fortitude, emotional stability
Yes/No: Yes
Upright: You have that inner strength that gives you the power to stay calm and focus during intense times. You are that person who doesn’t have to ever yell to get their point across because it can easily be emphasized in your lower tone and your body demeanor. This allows you to be the alpha in both animal interactions as well as with humans. The flowers around her waist serve as the leash for the lion, and although the lion could easily break it, he understands that it is to keep him harnessed to her. This woman is suggested to be Cyrene, the handmaiden to Artemis, the Moon goddess. In Greek mythology, it is said that Apollo, the sun god, happens across Cyrene taming a lion and is so overcome by her courage, beauty, and fortitude that he falls in love with her at first sight. This woman has the infinity symbol over her head, like the Magician, which signals that she is very aware that her actions may have consequences, but her white gown shows that she is pure in her thoughts.
Reversed: You seem to lack self-confidence right now, and I’m not sure why. I feel like you don’t realize how awesome you really are. Just take a moment to think about all the things you have gone through in your life. You have definitely had some hard times and you managed to get through them all with grace. Let that be your reminder that you are great and that if you can pull yourself together all those other times, you can do it going forward too, because you are even stronger and more resilient now.