Page of Cups

Here's your sign.

Keywords: New love, intuitive message, creative opportunity, loved child

Yes/No: Yes

Upright: The page of cups is about new messages of love and intuition. In tarot, blue represents communication, and between the tunic, fish, and the ocean there is a lot of reference to communication here. Those same things along with the plume feather and the lotus flowers are often used to symbolize intuition as well. You should definitely be paying attention to any signs that you are receiving right now. Also, you may be having a new suitor entering your life who expresses their feelings about you. This could be the love interest you’ve been waiting for. Lastly, this card could indicate a young child, so your kiddo may have something they are trying to tell you or they could be getting some new spiritual gifts. Young kids are always more receptive to that type of thing, so if they say something that seems off the wall, it may be their way of telling you they know something you don’t.

Reverse: You are experiencing a creative block. You had all these ideas, and you were getting the signs to do it, but for some reason you fought those intuitive signs, thinking maybe they weren’t signs at all. Maybe they were just coincidences. Deep down you know better, but you still try to brush it off as that. Maybe that’s why you didn’t take all the green lights to start on the project, but now that you’ve put it off you are stuck and can’t get the motivation back to work on the project that could have changed your life.