Ten of Cups
Keywords: Happiness, harmony, peace, marriage, family, happy ending
Yes/No: Yes
Upright: And they all lived happily ever after. That’s exactly what this card is about, the fairy tale ending that everyone hopes for. This is one of the best cards in the deck to get. These people look so happy this could be Heaven. After all, this is the only card that has a rainbow, which is God’s promise of lasting happiness. Also, in Buddhism, the rainbow symbolizes the state right before enlightenment, which brings a whole other level of happiness.
Reverse: Is your family like mine and you all put the fun in dysfunctional? You guys see things differently and have completely separate ways of doing things and even though this can lead to some struggles, just try to remember that at the end of the day, they will always want what’s best for you and just may have a hard time showing it.