Two of Pentacles
Keywords: Choices, financial decisions, balancing resources, options
Yes/No: Undecided
Upright: It seems like you have a million things in life right now that you are juggling, but this card is most likely talking about a financial decision. Maybe you have two different job offers and you are deciding which one will be best for you. Each one of the options offers something that the other doesn’t, making the choice even harder. The waves in the background show that this is causing an emotional imbalance because you are stressed out trying to decide. But the infinity sign surrounding these choices means that things have a way of working themselves out, so hopefully trusting that whatever one you choose will be beneficial to you can put your mind at ease.
Reversed: You feel like this choice is absolutely impossible and you are beyond stressed trying to figure out which one is best for you. You are overthinking this and ripping each choice apart to an extreme. You have worked it up so much that you have rendered yourself incapable of making a decision, now you are just blanking out. You should have put it in God’s hands and just trusted the process.